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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
yess, yess...dia da nak blik..cuti raya cina...aww..syoknya...nnti bole la aku msj dgn dia pagi petang siang malam..boleh mnja2 dgn dia mcm dulu...boleh merajuk2 mcm dlu..boleh mrh2 mcm dlu.. gipon aku mmg prlukan dia skrg...aku sakit, dmam dah 4 hari berturut2...kak aku kata aku dmam rndu..haaa...mybe...klau dia da, aku jarang dmam...mama lak leh tgkp yg aku slalu ingt kat dia..mama kata klau kita ingt org, org tu akan ingt kita blik...tpi jgn smpai t'bwak2..cian kat dia, klau dok teringat aku, nnti aktvti kat sna xleh nak wat..aku xpa la dok rmh jaa... tapi aku rnduuuu sgt...balik cpt tau.. ;(
Thursday, January 20, 2011
i miss youu ;((
weyhh katak kodok..bila kau nak blik ha?? aku dh rndu gila kat kau ni.. dah la ujung mnggu ja leh msj dgn kau.. mna ckup la wehh.. x lepas pon rndu aku kat kau.. x luak ckit pon la.. aku tiap2 ari teringat kat kau, kau ada ingt aku x? enth, aku pon xtau.. tapi kau msti ingt aku kan3..
aku hrp kau smpn la gmbr kita yg aku bgi kat kau tu.. penat2 pgi tu aku gi print untk kau tau.. bengkak jgk mata aku sbb triak msa anta kau nek bas PLKN tuu.. kau blh snym2 lgi dpn aku time tu.. geram aku, mcm nak cubit kau ja.. tpi nsib bek mak ayah kau ada time tu.. kena la tunjuk perangai leklok ckit.. sabar ja laa.. tapi aku geram laa... kau slalu tnya aku "pasang scandal x?".. eyy katak kodok, aku x penah t'pkir pon la nak psg scandal..aku setia laa dgn kau.. aku sayang kau laa.. aku ja tkot kau yg cri org len kat PLKN tuhh.. haishhh.. kalau kau wat cmtu, "dusshhh!!!" dh la cuti raya cina nnti xleh jmpa kau.. time kau blik, aku da keja.. brpa puloh ari gi aku leh jmpa kau.. ishh.. blik la cepat woii.. pi plkn wtpa enth.. dh la aku tngah skit ni.. dlu aku skit kau ada, skrg kau xdak.. urgghhh.. sdihnya aku... ni aku dah beli kad topup byk2..aku x sbr nak msj dgn kau..gipon aku nak pi perak lps ni, ssh ckit aku nak pi topup..tu laa,,pi plkn gi..pdn mka kau..nak pi topup pon ssah..tpi klau aku x tpp kat kau, spa lgi an..ergghh! balik raya cina ni kau plak topup kat aku..tau!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
my love may not be perfect
Sometimes I’d be silent and I might bore you. I may not laugh at your jokes, and you may not understand the spell that’s enshrouding me. Sometimes I’d get troubled and I’d fail to put into words what the hell it is that troubles me. I wouldn’t be good company then, and I couldn’t make you smile. Sometimes I’d get moody and I might not enjoy the things you’d like us to do together. Sometimes I’d lose my temper and I’d no longer act like the fine person who stands before you today. Sometimes I’d get jealous and I might say things I don’t really mean. Sometimes I’d talk too much that I might drive you away. Sometimes I’d get touchy and I’d get easily hurt. And no matter how mature I try to be, at times I’d act in childish ways. I’d demand things I shouldn’t, I’d say things I shouldn’t say. And no matter how much I desire to protect you and make you happy, sometimes I’d be the one who’d cause you the most pain. My love may not be perfect. But my love for you is not related to your actions. It is related to how I feel when I love you, and you can’t take away this feeling of mine, no matter what you do. Will you still love me?
haha..bla aku tgk gamba ni aku trus gelak t'bahak2, t'guling2..comel kan katak kodok tu? haa, yg kecik tu katak pisang...hahaha..adeh, lwk tol..aku gelak bkn sbb pa..aku teringat mohammad syamil bila tgk katak2 nih..teringat knpa?haa..cmni...msa gdoh bodo2 tu kan..tba2 t'jdi la sesi ni.. nani : ang tau dak ang tu gemok? gemok gilerr... syamil : x gemok pon lar... nani : gemok jgk.. syamil : ang tu ketot..mcm katak pisang...ang tau dak katak pisang cmna? kuruih mcm ang laa.. nani : apa plakkk....! ang tu tau dak mcm pa? mcm katak kodok..gemok! syamil : katak pisang! nani : katak kodok! haa..dah2 la tu..klau nak cita suma smpai bila pon x abeh bnda gdoh2 bodo tu...errhh..tpi aku ska..haha..comel ape katak pisang tu kan...lgi comel dri katak kodok kan? kan kan?? pa2 pon, dia ttp kodok aku...haha.. ohhh..cba tgk mka katak kodok kat atas,,giler garang muka dia...haa, cmtu la mka katak kodok aku klau tgh marah...kalau marah, mmg menakutkan..mcm monster..aku pon x brni ckp klau dia tgh marah...perrghh..tapi kalau sweet, sweet sgt...tapi pa2 pon,,,i miss that moment :')
Thursday, January 13, 2011
oke..smlm kan masa sblm tido, mcm besa la kan..aku msti tringat seseorg tu..n then tiba2, muncul 1 bygn yg mengerikan! yes, yes..tiba2 aku t'byg saat aku nak amik result SPM nnti.. ohh noo!!! im not ready yet!! aku mngaku mmg aku tkot gilaa nk amik result ni..spa yg x tkot kan...result ni la penentu idup aku...tapi....da bbrpa sbjek yg aku x leh jwb n x psti aku dpt score ka x..ADDMATH, PHYSICS & ACCOUNT...yeaa, tiga2 sbjek ni mmg aku lemah, i admit it..plus time exam, soalan2 sbjek ni suma tahap tinggi...cba bygkan..t'ketar2 aku time jwb..tpi aku rasa physics mybe aku leh score lgi...tpi addmath dgn account ni...enth laa..no komen..huuuu....takot..aku b'hrp sgt dpt 10A..x dpt A+ pon xpa..asalkan suma A...aku xmau la kecewakan parents aku yg hrpkan aku dpt 10A ni...huaaa...takotnya >.< dah abis pkir psai result ni, tba2 aku t'byg lak camna aku nak amik lesen keta nnti... aku dah pas ujian kmptr..lps ni just kna pegi kelas teori n then dpt lesen L...TAPI mslhnya...aku lgsg x reti bwk keta...keta manual lak tu..pgg stereng pon jarang..camna aku nak pas...b'ltih brpa jam ja pon...ckup ke?nak dpt P tu pnya la payah...nak b'ltih kat rmah pon xleh, suma keta auto...JPJ nnti suma dah la grg2, crwet...urghh!!xska3..
Monday, January 10, 2011
Do you hear me? I'm talking to you Across the water across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Ooh ooh ooh They don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss I'll wait for you I promise you, I will I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday And so I'm sailing through the sea To an island where we'll meet You'll hear the music fill the air I'll put a flower in your hair Though the breezes through trees Move so pretty you're all I see As the world keeps spinning 'round You hold me right here, right now I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again I'm lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday